Escape Room III Coronavirus Covid-19 in primary school children of the island of Fuerteventura in Spain

January 4, 2022

Carrillo L. P. J.

Revista gestión de las personas y tecnología

Derived from COVID-19, there is still home isolation in primary level students, to help with this situation, the Physical Education area had the initiative of a project called Escape Room I and II "Coronavirus COVID-19" in schoolchildren from Primary education. Under a Research-Action (I-A) design, both Escape Rooms were developed aimed at improving nutritional habits and body competence for the health of students from the physical sphere. Both experiences were academically very successful for the students, that is, through their development improvements in healthier eating behaviors and body competence for health can be favored from a physical perspective of Primary Education students. Therefore, in this manuscript we intend to develop the proposal of session III of the Escape Room in order to exemplify health education with educational content aimed at the mental and emotional sphere; primary and secondary emotions, resilience, self-esteem, motivation, breathing-relaxation and mindfulness.Having as a result the demonstration of the great utility of this project, responding to the needs presented by the students from their homes and producing situations of playful and competent reflection that favor a greater use of the students and a didactic transposition between the school and society. , however, teachers must bear in mind that the development of an optimal gamified experience, such as the one planned here, requires a laborious analysis that can only be used in a single session.

Carrillo L. P. J. Escape Room III Coronavirus Covid-19 in primary school children of the island of Fuerteventura in Spain. 2022, Rev. gest. pers. tecnol. vol.15 no.43
