SARS CoV 2 Skin diseases, mask wearing and unpleasant sensations

June 3, 2021

C. Cribier, C. Taieb, M. San Aromain, et. al

Revista de la academia Europea de Dermatología y Venereología JEADV

A survey was carried out in France, Germany, Italy and Spain financed by Pierre Fabré Dermo Cosmétique with a total sample of 8077 respondents, of which 89.4% had to wear a mask during the pandemic, 28% of the population reported skin problems the presence of acne was reported in 6.44%, atopic dermatitis/eczema in 7.73%, psoriasis in 4.06%, rosacea in 2.60%, hidradenitis suppurativa in 0.46%, and chronic hand eczema in 1.48%, respectively.

C.Cribier, C.Taieb, M. San Aromain, et. al.SARS Cov2 Skin diseases, mask wearing and unpleasant sensations. JEurAcadDermatol. 2021 Jun 3 10.1111̈;jdv 173080
