Ethical allocation of future COVID-19 vaccines

December 7, 2020

Gupta R, Morain SR

J Med Ethics

The most important ethical aspects about the direction of the yearned COVID-19 vaccine distribution are guided by their final goals. This article analyzes its 3 main principles. The first, appeals to be able to save the most number of lives possible, the second one touches areas outside of the healthcare system such as the economy or education and the third aims to avoid contradictions that may threaten human rights of any individual. The possibility of reducing oversaturation of a healthcare system implies the responsibility of recognizing all ethical and scientific still unanswered questions such as the adjustments that need to be made for pediatric vaccination, the real possibility of immunity in the long term or even the affirmation of the social licenses necessary to proceed with a successful vaccination campaign. The authors go as far as additionally establishing that the present scenarios of testing access could be used as a guide for the formulation of vaccination strategies because precisely that situation mimics the different realities that different patients face.

Gupta R, Morain SR. Ethical allocation of future COVID-19 vaccines [published online ahead of print, 2020 Dec 17]. J Med Ethics. 2020;medethics-2020-106850. doi:10.1136/medethics-2020-106850
