Adherence to Public Health Recommendations in TikTok Content During the Early Days of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

April 1, 2022

Ellen Selkie, MD, MPH Danny Teng, MD, MHI Victoria Adkins, MSW

Journal of Adolescent Health

Content published by 150 TikTok influencers is included in the 150 most followed influencers to see their adherence to the regulations according to the CDC since they have a strong impact on society and of 11,063 publications made, 1,305 (11.7%) were related with COVID, with an average of 9.2 COVID-related posts per influencer. Of these publications, 79.4% only behave according to the CDC guidelines, the most frequent being staying home (n=805) and washing their hands (n=50). 7.1% of posts only show behavior that does not follow CDC guidelines, the most frequent being not wearing a face covering in public (n = 41) or having contact with others outside the household (n = 33 ). Posts containing a combination of behaviors that were in or out of guidelines comprised 10.3% of the sample

Ellen Selkie, MD, MPH Danny Teg, Adherence to Public Health Recommendations in TikTok Content During the Early Days of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemicet al. Journal of adolecent health. 70 (2022) S1eS32
